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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 04:56:22 +0000

Post From: decalage 10 mn

[2024-12-04 18:06:16]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38782
First, you are getting a message about a circular reference:
Circular chart reference detected. Charts: 25, 12. Chartbook: LeTradingFr_CB_CME_NQ_Trading_V3_Lourd.Cht.

You need to resolve this circular reference. Refer to the following:
High CPU Usage | Inactive User Interface | Poor Performance | Long Time to Load Chart Data | Charts Reloading Often: 30.9 References to Other Charts / Continuous Full Recalculation of Charts

Second, you are requesting data going very far back for your continuous futures contract and there is some daily data that is not available causing the back-adjustment to not work correctly. This is shown in messages like the following:
2024-12-04 09:48:33.969 | NQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV] #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 2012-12-21 from file. D:\SierraChart CME\Data\NQZ12_FUT_CME.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.
2024-12-04 09:48:33.969 | NQZ24_FUT_CME [CBV] #6 | Error while getting daily settlement price with date 0 from file. D:\SierraChart CME\Data\NQH13_FUT_CME.dly. Error: No Data for read. End of file.

Refer to the following regarding this:
Continuous Futures Contract Charts: Preventing Error Messages by Reducing Days to Load in Chart

There is also the following error:
BufferedSocket | Error posting message in c_AsyncWindow::PostMessage. Windows error code 1816: Le quota disponible est insuffisant pour traiter cette commande. *

We are not sure why you are getting this error. Although it seems to be in regards to a message, so it could be related to alerts and having too many at one time. But check your drive space and make sure you are not out of space on your drive, just to be certain.

After you fix the above, then let us know if you are still having a problem. If you are, then we need to know exactly what it is.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing