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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Feb 2025 19:13:03 +0000
Post From: Difference between Bid Ask Volume ratio and Up Down Volume ratio(Ask Bid volume)
[2024-12-03 19:56:51] |
User763335 - Posts: 97 |
Hello trying to understand the difference between "Bid Ask Volume Ratio" and "Up/Down Volume Ratio" that is based on Ask/Bid Volume. From the documentation Bid Ask Volume Ratio and Up/Down Volume Ratio , it appears they use the same formula, except for conditions of V(ask)+V(Bid) around 0 values. The other difference I noticed is in terms of the EMA calculation for t <n , between the two.For t >=n, they appear to be the same. Can you confirm if my understanding is right? I can see the calculations used, but in layman's terms, how would you characterize the difference between them? It looks the same to me, for the typical conditions and yet I see the Bid/Ask volume ratio , to be a bit more sensitive, for the same moving average length and moving average type(exponential). The up/down volume ratio(ask/Bid volume) seems to be a bit more smoothed out. No issues either way, just trying to understand what/why the difference is.. Thanks |