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Date/Time: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 04:39:53 +0000

Post From: Open Files On Startup

[2024-08-23 21:41:49]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36309
You CAN NOT do what you are specifically stating - synchronizing a Chartbook between multiple systems in a way that the chartbook is in a location that is shared by both systems. This could create many issues if both systems are trying to access the chartbook at the same time.

What you could do is to use a synchronizing program that makes a copy of the file when it is changed, so you are not doing anything to the actual file itself, just making a copy that you could then access at the other location. There used to be a Microsoft tool called SyncToy that did this well, but it looks like this is no longer available. You would have to look for another tool that does this.

The better option is to use the Chartbook Sharing feature between the systems.
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