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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:08:19 +0000

Post From: Trade Account Monitor always empty (using IBRK Trading account)

[2024-07-26 17:57:41]
Antiriad - Posts: 3

maybe a stupid question, but are statistics via "Trade->Trade Account Monitor / Balance Window" also supported if SC is connected to IBRK as Tradingservice? Or does SC and/or TWS maybe not support that?

My IBRK account numbers shows up on Charttrade window, i can also place&execute orders just fine via SC (they all show the up in TWS also and vice-versa). Also e.g. Trade Orders windows shows all the trades as it should.

But its not possible to get the Trade account window populated (no account filters set). If i open "Trade Account Filter Settings" in this Window and open "Available Trade Accounts (List)", it shows my trading account number and I can select it as filter, but still, windows cells stay all empty.

Has anybody a idea what could be the culprit for that issue?