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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:08:57 +0000

Post From: diagonal drawings misaligned

[2024-07-24 15:57:26]
SafSaf - Posts: 80
alright lads, please see the attachment. you will see 3 charts i've bunched together for the purposes of a screen shot. the first one is a 5 min, then a 1 min and finally a 30 min.

please pay particular attention to the blue diagonal lines marked '1hr' and '2hr'. you will notice, compared to the price, these lines are in different positions on each chart. how do i get them to be in exactly the same positions, bearing in mind the orange horizontal lines are?

for reference, all the lines were drawn in another chart in the same chartbook and i allowed them to be copied into all the other charts in the chart book.

on the 5 min, the 1hr line is at 5608.50, the same line is at 5609.50 on the 1 min and at 5603 on the 30 min
on the 5 min, the 2hr line is at 5576.00, 5577 on the 1 min and 5570.50 on the 30 min

i need them to be in exactly the same position on all charts pls
imageScreenshot 2024-07-24 040330.png / V - Attached On 2024-07-24 15:57:20 UTC - Size: 211.13 KB - 23 views