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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:45:01 +0000

Post From: Urgent: I can't 'cancel/flatten' all orders.

[2024-07-09 18:19:41]
User142067 - Posts: 11
I think I followed your instruction to no avail. What I did was:


2.Changed ORDER FILLS START TIME time to 09:00:00. It was 00:00:00 which is actually already subsequent to the problematic order fills from last night. However, the phrase a time where things are flat to me is ambiguous. Although I'm told things are flat,this seems to me to be contradicted by the fact that phantom triangle comes out of it zombie state and produces a phantom profit loss.

Nonetheless after making the two above changes, I expected the triangle order entries and fills prior to 09:00:00 to disappear but they did not. This is even after I closed Sierra Charts and reopened. Am I on the wrong track. Also, reminder, EdgeClear has my account in liquidation only mode so I'm wondering if that might be preventing the expected result.

Curiosity Question: It remains alarming to me that the phantom triangle which i'm told is not actually an open position gets closed and produces a profit loss on the chart screen albeit apparently a phantom p/l along with producing the next phantom triangle. I want to make sure you realize that is what has been happening. I do not see anything in the manual sections you referenced that refers to that specifically unless it subsumed under 'missing order' which is not intuitively describing the condition to me.

Is a call or remote in an option?
