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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:50:18 +0000

Post From: ES-202409-CME changed to ESU24_FUT_CME

[2024-07-07 22:38:30]
sc-lv-0121 - Posts: 6
Hi, have tried to do self service support but could not find the answer.
Have the ES Mini on multiple charts, added the subscription to "Denali Exchange Data Feed CME" and it's been working flawlessly.
This weekend I added the "Denali Exchange Data Feed US Equities Consolidated Tape" and connected to the IBKR API, obviously some symbol conversion in SC perhaps was made automatically when switching from my futures or Trading Sim account to the API. I entered a few sim orders entering the "Trade and Current Quote Symbol" per IBKR symbol syntax and worked fine.
Then I went back to the futures Dorman connection and at 18h EST the data for the ES wasn't coming in. This was on a chart that wasn't even used with IBKR.
1. Went to Edit - Translate Symbols to Current Service and that did not help
2. Went to Edit - Reload and Recalculate did not do anything
3. Closed and opened SC no data coming in.
I went to search and change the symbol in the chart and it started updating.

I do have some others charts / chartbooks as well as Overlay charts using this symbol and I can change these manually but:

1. Adding the connection to IBKR (which I have done before with no issues like this) or Adding a sub to the Consolidated Tape will make the Symbol change? if so is there a way to update globally the new symbol on all charts?
2. Could this be related to the recent contract rollover?

for Reference the symbol it shows from before that doesn't update the charts is ES-202409-CME and the symbol that works now is ESU24_FUT_CME

Appreciate the help, there is no urgency with this, I just need to know what to do aside of symbol conversion and reloading.

Thank you