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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:05:47 +0000

Post From: SC crashes upon new study creation

[2024-07-05 19:32:58]
PS - Posts: 36

I am running into a problem where any time I create a new custom study, build it, and try to add it to a chart, Sierra Chart crashes.

I have run into this problem before. However, I previously just deleted the file, remade it, and it would work. That is no longer solving the problem.

I have referred already to the support thread linked below. I've tried launching Sierra on safe mode. In this case, I am able to add custom studies to the chart (without safe mode any addition of a custom study crashes the software). but any time I try to make a new one and add that, Sierra crashes, even in safe mode.

I have also tried removing all the CPP and DLL files from my ACS source / data folders. Doing this did not work.

Add Custom Study crash?

What can I do to resolve the issue? I would've tried uninstalling and reinstalling Sierra Chart, but I read somewhere in the documentation that this is unlikely to resolve problems in general.

Happy belated 4th of July, and please advise.

Thank you.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-07-05 19:33:24