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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:40:41 +0000

Post From: Trading Evaluator (Order reject) - Trade Order Eror - No position limit set for symbol

[2024-06-29 15:03:56]
Oxcap - Posts: 61
Hi Support,

I have a strategy I am testing using one SC instance. The set up is as follows:

I am testing between ES/NQ/RTY/CL markets using two (2) different trading evaluator accounts. Account 1 and Account 2. For example, ES Account 1 and ES Account 2

Each account is using a different reference study mode for the strategy to execute trades. I am getting executions on Account 1 but NOT on Account 2.

It is giving me the error message 'Trading Evaluator (Order reject) - Trade Order Error - No position limit set for symbol for Account 2

I checked under symbol settings to set the position limit but still getting error.

Please advise what the issue might be.
