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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 06:17:55 +0000

Post From: Order Allocation on multiple Apex accounts

[2024-06-21 07:08:43]
ivory - Posts: 95
I have some that the OCO order stays open and does not close correctly

Have you verified this in R Trader Pro? In my experience the problem is usually about communication between Rithmic and Sierra and not execution of orders per se. You should *always* keep R Trader Pro open. You can do that either by paying apex a fee to have two connections or opening R Trader Pro without market data (you can toggle that off on the login screen). R Trader Pro will always show you accurate positions and orders.

Last tip - I recently found that the only way to have "consistent" fills is to use market orders. With limit orders, some accounts will be filled, some will not. So if you see in R Trader Pro that, for example, your target was hit and only some accounts were filled - press the flatten button in Sierra and it will take you out on the remaining accounts.