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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 09:15:07 +0000

Post From: is there no other way to install Sierra Chart?

[2024-06-18 15:12:21]
User546735 - Posts: 1
I had installed the platform, but never used it... because I didn't
I can't open it, something went wrong when loading....

I would love to have it, is there no other way to install it????

J'avais mis la plateforme, mais jamais m'en servir... parce que je ne
arrive pas à l'ouvrir,quelque chose ne pas bien ce passé au chargement....

Je aimerais bien l'avoir, n'y a pas une autre façon de l'installer ????

Le mar. 18 juin 2024, 02:01, Sierra Chart Support <support@sierrachart.com>
a écrit :

> Hello Ferreira Rui,
> The usage time on your Sierra Chart account, ruiferreira1967, will expire
> on 2024-06-22. To avoid an interruption, activate a Service Package for
> automatic renewal here:
> https://www.sierrachart.com/UserControlPanel.php?page=ServicesActivation
> A new Sierra Chart account on a trial will require activation. For
> instructions to activate, refer to:
> Sierra Chart Trial Account
> For help with getting started with Sierra Chart, refer to the Getting
> Started page:
> Getting Started, Opening Charts and Basic Trading
> To view helpful videos for Sierra Chart usage, refer to:
> Video Library
> Follow the link below to stop account reminders for 2 weeks:
> https://www.sierrachart.com/OptOut.php?MuteReminders=334483
> Thank you,
> Sierra Chart Support