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Date/Time: Fri, 27 Dec 2024 03:26:27 +0000

Post From: Problem with single print.

[2024-06-10 20:09:22]
User556049 - Posts: 20

Few problems still

(1) I could not find "singles handling" as you said in TPO profile. I even updated and downloaded the new version and I am not able to find it. Could you show the screenshot where to find and share me if possible.

( 2) Not sure if we misunderstood or not. In fact, I have sent you the TPO chart screenshots and assumed that you understood what I mean. But let me explain once more if we misunderstood and we go with what is written in your sierrachart manual ( Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile charts section. Please check your manual link:
Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts: Extend Singles

So you click that link, it takes you to" extend singles" and there are four options and let me paste it here:-

• None: The Singles Extension lines are not displayed.
• End of Period: The Singles Extension lines are extended to the last chart column reserved for the profile.
• End of Window: The Singles Extension lines are extended to the right edge of the chart window.
• Until Future Intersection: The Singles Extension lines are extended until it is intersected by future prices. Note that with this setting it is possible that some singles may occur and be intersected within the same TPO profile. In this case, there will be no visual indication for those singles unless the TPO profile is set to Letters/Blocks In Own Column.

Let's see the last one, i.e., until future intersection. If you read what you have written in that description, it is not fulfilling what is written here and what your chart shows. Before, it was fulfilled which was very correct.So, all the single prints were shown until the future intersection before as in your manual but it is suddenly removed for the same period. Single prints are very powerful took to check if it will continue or pull back and continue or discontinue. I believe that non of the customers want to change that and I don't see any reason because there is option 1 that single print lines are not displayed if they want. This is such a simple thing that it should not take any time because you just don't neeed to delete the single print if there is an intersection i.e. just like single print that goes to next profile.

Hope you understand it and this is my humble request again to modify the way it was. I hope that I have not been rude and that is not the meaning. I have been waiting already for long and lost a lot of trades as Single print are my main trading strategy.
