Support Board
Date/Time: Sun, 22 Dec 2024 11:04:19 +0000
Post From: SC could not send order to IB for MSFT
[2014-07-23 16:39:19] |
Sierra Chart Engineering - Posts: 104368 |
The problem is why SC is not sending the order to IB. Do you have any suggestions? The order is most definitely getting sent to Interactive Brokers. There could be no other possibility.The problem is Interactive Brokers TWS is not responding to it. Contact interactive Brokers at this address about the problem: They will need to see your TWS log file. I had to close SC and reload it for the pending cancel message to go away. There is never a need to do this, in this particular case. All you need to do is select Trade >>Refresh Trade Data From Service.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level Your definitive source for support. Other responses are from users. Try to keep your questions brief and to the point. Be aware of support policy: For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, *change* to the Teton service: Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-07-23 16:40:17