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Date/Time: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 15:12:34 +0000


[2024-03-04 02:48:40]
User282886 - Posts: 23
I have a video from my account on Loom showing the two DOMs operating next to each other. You can speed it along or move it farther ahead for time sake and see the Tremendous difference between the two in orders being filled. I am not worried about the difference in the volume profile on the far right I only reset the center Column on both of them at the same time. They both started fresh in the middle showing current orders being filled. Remember during this time frame the market is very slow and not a lot hitting the bid or offers, so you can only imagine the difference in the numbers and what is not showing on SC Dom vs the Jig Dom. The difference is huge when busy which obviously can impact decisions and win vs loss. Thank you
