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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 01:41:18 +0000

Post From: Summary table for different studies values : best way to achieve this ?

[2024-02-08 14:57:21]
User217676 - Posts: 12

I would like to create a table that summaries all my main studies values for every time-frame I use.
These studies are located in different charts in a single chartbook.
The background of each cell has to be color coded so I can analyse the situation in a glimpse of an eye (3 colors : Green (bullish), white (neutral), red (bearish))

I made a "skeleton" of what should look like the table (see attached file).

1) Is there already an study that allows to do this kind of table ?
2) If not, what is the best way to achieve this ? Spreadsheet or custom study ?

I've never used spreadsheet but my understanding is that it doesn't allow to color code the background of each cell ?

imageTable study.png / V - Attached On 2024-02-08 14:29:08 UTC - Size: 22.34 KB - 58 views
Attachment Deleted.