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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 01:56:58 +0000

Post From: Difference between Ignore and Hidden subgraph draw style?

[2023-11-21 06:48:18]
User61168 - Posts: 381
Hello users,

My recent chat on this thread (link below) is leading me to further confusion between hidden and ignore draw styles. Could someone please elaborate on a specific use case on when you would use Ignore draw style. Both ignore and hidden draw styles hides the study from drawing on the chart and both performs the underlying calculation so whats the difference and/or benefit of using one over the other? Up until now, I always thought ignore would not do the underlying calculation therefore simulating a completely disabled study causing no processing load on CPU/GPU. I could not find much documentation on ignore either.

Market Replay > Clear Trade Data popup window > Cancel button - enhancement/bug fix