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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:06:02 +0000

Post From: DATA file in Google drive

[2023-08-13 20:58:33]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 1008
Using Google Drive or Microsoft OneDrive to share single documents (e.g. Word, Excel, etc.) between PC's is fine. However, you do not want to share the SierraChart folder, nor just the Data folder. Files can be locked by one system, preventing the others from using it. They could all theoretically get caught in a "Deadly Embrace" where they are all waiting on each other and nothing gets done.

While it may be technically feasible when only one instance of Sierra Chart is using the shared folder, every time Sierra Chart writes to the data folder a copy is sent to the cloud drive increasing network traffic. As SCID files can be very big, you don't want these being copied repeatedly. (I am not sure if they stay in sync incrementally or by copying whole files.) There is no selective syncing of Google drive.

Also, multiple instances should never share the same data folder.

If you want to migrate your data to a new PC, you could use the Google network drive to copy the c:\SierraChart folder but don't leave it connected as a live network drive.

A safer alternative that would keep your various systems in sync is to use something like FreeFileSync, where you can define the paths and types of files to copy or mirror back and forth. Then you could treat Google drive like a master drive and use it to replicate to other systems.