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Date/Time: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 18:42:32 +0000

Post From: time session problem

[2023-07-17 13:48:29]
User230502 - Posts: 3
Hi support

Since the Sierra update I have had a time zone problem..

The time zone information, **global setting + <> **chart setting are correct set but having an initial balance open at 8:30am instead of 8:00 gives me a problem --

Screen MP + Screen Chart

Likewise my overnight starts at 2:00 a.m. but from 2o'clock to 8:35am I have no data...

To summarize : no overnight data and a lag of 30 min for the opening of the initial balance

In parallel on all Eurex contracts the time zone is correct, expect on ONE contract that I Trade which is FGBL (Bund)

Screen DAX

Could you help to reset this crucial information…

Best regards