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Date/Time: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 15:39:02 +0000

Post From: Cannot get older chartbooks from July of 2020 to open

[2023-04-21 20:22:00]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36350
First thing with regards to Adobe. The reason it is showing as an Adobe file is that you somehow associated the .cht extension with the adobe program. Most likely when you were selecting a program to open the file, you accidentally selected Adobe Reader and the option to "Always use this Program to Open This Kind of File" was selected, so your Windows has that association now. It really does not matter, as you can not open a Chartbook from the file system, so do not worry about that.

Next, we took off the extra ".cht" when we saved the file and put it into this thread. That is one way for you to differentiate the files.

The file does need to go into the "Data" folder under your main Sierra Chart installation folder. Do not worry about renaming it or anything else. Just make sure the old file is not in the folder, then redownload the new one and put it into the folder. Then start Sierra Chart (if necessary) and select "File >> Open Chartbook". Find the chartbook in the list and select it to open. It should open without any issue.

If you continue to have an issue, then it sounds like you are getting the new one and the old one mixed up. Make sure you do not do this.
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