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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Mar 2025 09:00:52 +0000

Post From: Denali feed lags/freeze right now

[2022-11-16 22:27:08]
nosast - Posts: 313
Thanks for your analysis. I really don't know why SC aborted the connection. As I said my Rithmic feed was working at the same time without any issues on another platform and I also constantly montior latency and jitter to an IP in Aurora datatacenter and the DTC IP I connect to.

Will set the ping times for monitoring from now on to 1 sec interval as I had them at 5 secs. Maybe this disconnect was shorter and was not noticed from my monitoring.

Regarding the ES file - this is still in development and I only pulled it up today to work on it. I had issues in the last days without this chartbook opened. If it's finished and I still see aray isses I will send it over.

Also I deactivated compression to see if this helps make the feed more stable when the market gets fast.

Thanks again!