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Date/Time: Thu, 20 Mar 2025 00:57:31 +0000

Post From: connecting to rithmic

[2022-10-28 15:27:27]
SSGill - Posts: 36

as of last monday; 10-24, Apex Trader Funding has made a change to their Rithmic feed. If I load Rithmic on my computer, one of the changes I make is I choose "APEX" instead of "papertrading", then I can log in successfully.

As of last monday, I am unable to log into rithmic. I checked with Apex, and they say the issue is on your end.

Have you heard of anything different that needs to be done on the sierra charts side?? I am getting the "connection error message from service - Rithmic direct"

Any suggestions, or questions for Apex would be greatly appreciated.