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Date/Time: Wed, 19 Mar 2025 17:17:14 +0000

Post From: Trade and Current Qoute Symbol - Orders & Chart DOM

[2022-10-24 07:56:37]
Benutzer4711 - Posts: 35

I'm having some issues (or I don't understand the feature...) with the Trade and Current Qoute Symbol settings.

I've tested it in Sim only so far.

My setup:

Chart 1 - ES --> Thats my main/entry chart with setups and so on
Chart Settings:
Trade / Quote Symbol = NQ
Use as trade only Symbol = NO

Chart 2 - NQ --> thats where I manage my trade once active

1) The order amount information (e.g. bid/ask size + current bid/ask) in the Chart DOM is completely missing/blank in Chart 1 once Quote symbol is set?

2) Limit orders do not work? Entry only via buy/sell market

3) Open Limit + Attached Orders from Chart 1 not visible in Chart 2 at all // Filled + Attached orders visible in Chart 2 after Market buy/sell in Chart 1

I hope this is more or less clear.