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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 17:11:06 +0000

Post From: New Chartbook Already Contains Charts of Other Chartbooks

[2022-09-21 09:20:23]
User735414 - Posts: 1

As it is shown in the screenshots below, I have the following problem :

I have an already existent chartbook (here named Bobl,Buxl,Bund) with its charts in it (three differents Trade DOMs).

When I select File > New Chartbook, it creates a new Chartbook (here named Chartbook3).

As you can see, the above mentioned new chartbook it is not empty as it should be, but it already contains the three charts of the Bobl,Buxl,Bund chartbook.

Moreover, if I try to remove them, they are also removed in the original chartbook, which is a problem.

In other words, these three charts have become "universal", as if they were some kind of default configuration for any chartbook in my Sierra Chart distribution.

The problem is not related with the fact that they are attached charts (I have the same problem even if I De-attach the charts).

Thank you so much for your help.

PS If you need further information, do not hesitate.
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