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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 12:12:13 +0000

Post From: Customization options for Trade Window

[2022-09-14 17:54:58]
User566250 - Posts: 37

I am trying to follow the instructions on the page to create the above mentioned custom studies for trading and I get an error message upon trying to open any of the templates. Please see screenshots attached.

Also, after rollover of contracts, the drawings disappeared from linked charts even though the "Also Rollover Chart Drawing Symbols" was checked. Attempted to fix it with : "Update Chart Drawings To Current Symbol". That brought over a few of the drawings from one chart but not all. The ones it brough over were not in the correct position. "Manage Chart Drawings Symbol" Adjust button did not help.

Please advise.

Thank you
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