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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 16:49:18 +0000

Post From: Storage Memory Issue

[2022-09-12 14:42:55]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38756
The first thing to keep in mind is that each sub-instance is its own "installation" of Sierra Chart. So you need to start with the instance on which you had the settings the way you wanted them. If that was in Sub-Instance 3, then you need to go to the folder for Sub-Instance 3 and get the Sierra4.config file from that installation. In your case, it will be in the following folder:

Then decide which particular backup file you want to try and copy and paste it to the main folder for the instance you want to try it out in. We recommend just using the main instance to make things easy. So copy it to the following folder:

Then change the name of the existing configuration file in that folder from Sierra4.config to something like Sierra4.config.sav This just makes sure you can recover the settings are they are currently are if the other file does not work out. Then change the name of the file you just copied to be Sierra4.config (get rid of the number on the front). Then start Sierra Chart and see if this is the file you want.

If it is, then copy the Sierra4.config file from the main instance to each of your sub-instances. Each sub-instance has a folder under the main Sierra Chart installation named "SierraChartInstance_#" where # is replaced with the sub-instance number. You would copy the file to each of these folders.

If it is not the file you want, then repeat the process until you find one that has what you want.
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