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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 02:24:57 +0000

Post From: GC charts stuck on 8/15

[2022-09-02 11:04:04]
Thaddeus Fulmer - Posts: 71
Yes you are correct.

Update, Real time data only worked for about 15 -20 minutes before stopping. It was working tick by tick comparing to jigsaw (connected to Apex Rithmic) and motivewave (Connected to live account Rithmic) but then after about 15-20 minutes it ceased to continue working.

So although the error message is related to Rithmic, I'm having no problem with Rithmic or GC when connecting Sierra to live account. And no problem when connecting any other platform to Rithmic through live account or Apex account both of which uses Rithmic.

So it occurs to me that that problem is exclusive to Sierra chart connected to APEX, only having issues with GC (COMEX) and nothing else.

So if it was only a Rithmic problem, then wouldn't I be having issues with all markets?

And if it was an APEX problem, wouldn't I be having issues with all markets.

And if it was an APEX and GC problem, wouldn't I be having issues with GC on two separate platforms (Jigsaw and Motivewave)? Which I'm not.

Why would GC be working for about 15 minutes after connecting to live/back to Apex?

In fact, I just switched Sierra to my live brokerage account and back to APEX funding account, through Data/trade service settings, and GC is working fine again. I even placed a trade while watching tick for tick comparison with Jigsaw ladders (Apex) and Motivewave (Live Rithmic DTC). I'm keeping track of time to see how long before it freezes.

Update: It took approx 10 minutes to freeze after reconnecting to APEX.

This is not a Rithmic or APEX issue exclusively. It is exclusive to SC, APEX, COMEX.

Why am I having no problem loading historical data for ES, CL, 6E, ZT, ZF, ZN, ZB, UB?