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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 23:04:58 +0000

Post From: Overnight Volume Profile

[2022-08-08 15:09:54]
Steve Leon - Posts: 312
I have a day, overnight and microcomposite (several days/week) displaying on my chart
Today my overnight profile appeared very shortened
I played around with a number of study inputs and chart settings but could not get the entire overnight profile.
I have set for start time to from start time to end time. with start time set to 18:00 and Ebd Time to 9:29:59
It was working last week
I wondered whether this was due to the Sunday night overnight session ? I remember at one time there was a setting for revers session times but i cant find it on the new format ?

The other question I have is that for the three profiles mentioned I have
Volume Profile Bars Length Relative to all Visible Profiles set to YES for all three profiles
The volumes and volume bars seen in the individual profile do not seem to reflect this. For example the volume numbers for my micro composite profile are larger (of course) than for my day profile. The window widths are all set the same at 5. The Volume bars appear larger on the day profile even thought the volumes are less
Thank you
imageSierra Volume Profiles.PNG / V - Attached On 2022-08-08 15:09:41 UTC - Size: 142.18 KB - 173 views