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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Mar 2025 17:30:59 +0000

Post From: Control Bar Button - Trade Window Config

[2022-08-05 07:18:02]
User476926 - Posts: 59
OK, so following your guidance:
1. On main instance - when I select Customize, I get same freeze.
If I follow reference above (last post), by then pressing ESC key SC unfreezes and the drop down menu does then appear - but always on a different chartbook to the one that is currently visual. In other words I have to manually select a different chartbook to be able to actually see/find the drop down menu.
More curiously, I then find the drop down menu will only appear if I have this one specific chartbook open. If it is closed, then when I press ESC I cannot see the drop down menu on any of the open chartbooks.

If I select Customize when directly viewing this one specific chartbook, then I don't need the ESC key and drop down menu appears straight away.

2. Sub instance does not need ESC key and drop down menu appears on the current visual chartbook (which is similar but not same as main instance chartbook).
Drop down menu will appear on any of the open chartbooks, and without ESC key.

So it seems I can now update settings, just seems an odd process to have to remember for main instance.
And of course, if I delete this one specific chartbook for some reason, not sure how it would then work?