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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 08:05:53 +0000

Post From: Live Trade Activity to a Readable File

[2022-08-02 08:33:26]
User230940 - Posts: 121

is there a possibility to get the real time Trade Activity incl. SIM Trading into a readable Logfile ?

I would like to have to more or less the data which is written to TradeActivity Logs. But this Logs/File are not readable.
I don not need all of the data.

I would like to have Order Entry, Fill, Change. And the same bracket like stoploss and Target orders incl. Entryvalue, lotsize, time, Id, parentID and so on.

I had in mind to create a Study which is collecting this data and write this data simple to a file on each kind of activity.
Create a Order => write to file, Change of order => write 2 file, Filled of order => write file. Each action one line.
As it is displayed in the Trade Activity Viewer.

I get in contact with some professional SierraChart Coder, they said this is difficult and it is not really possible to get the whole lifecycle of a Order through a study.

What do you think? I there a way to get this kind of data in real time?
Maybe a API for the Trade Activity Log.

best regards