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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 02:19:08 +0000

Post From: ticker BTBT-NQTV NASDAQ missing data

[2022-07-31 09:18:26]
User346098 - Posts: 47
There is an issue with ticker AACG-NQTV, its previous ticker was ATAI-NQTV, the problem is a different company took its place and started trading with the same ticker ATAI and now the data is merged,
previous company data ends on 2019-10-16 and the new company starts on date 2021-06-18

so now I can't rename ATAI to AACG because ATAI is already filled with data
I need to cut the data out from ATAI starting from 2021-06-18 to end of the chart before I can rename it to AACG
