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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 16:49:49 +0000

Post From: Teton - Trade Dom P&L Column with a problem

[2022-07-27 14:28:03]
Rui S - Posts: 198
Hello Support,

My apologies for taking your time but I have this problem and I can’t really figure out how to fix it.

I have been in the process of changing my system from IB + Denali to Teton, which has been going well except for this problem.

When I have an open position on NQ Futures, the P&L column shows wrong figures – 1 cent more (or less) in each level, depending if it is Profit or Loss. With more contracts, that 1 cent increases to 2, 3, etc.

The Quote Board calculation shows the P&L also wrong and according with the P&L Column while the position is open. Once the position is closed, the P&L becomes correct in the Quote Board.

With the very same chartbooks, it works normally with both IB+Denali and Trading Evaluator instances.

I have made everything I could think of to try and resolve this problem by myself, with no success:

- Updated version to latest release and also pre-release;

- Downgraded to previous versions;

- Deleted all logs and data;

- Created brand new chartbooks;

- Tried to setup Symbol Settings and also performed a reset ;

- Installed an extra Instance of SC and created a new single chartbook just with one trading DOM – With Teton the problem remains; when I change Data/Trade Settings Service to IB+Denali or Trading Evaluator the problem is not there anymore.

Please note this problem doesn’t happen with ES Futures.

I don’t know what else to do to fix this problem.

Please advise.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-07-27 14:31:37
imageSC TETON - P&L with problem.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-07-27 14:26:46 UTC - Size: 432.52 KB - 126 views
imageSC Trading Evaluator - P&L whitout problem.jpg / V - Attached On 2022-07-27 14:27:00 UTC - Size: 403.24 KB - 128 views