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Date/Time: Sat, 15 Mar 2025 15:28:07 +0000

Post From: Learning SC via Utilize Simulated Trading Service or Chart Replay w/ New Account

[2022-07-20 00:45:47]
DoraW - Posts: 3
Hi SC Support,

I just created an SC account and am looking to learn the product along with the SCSF API to code a test a few study/indicator ideas to see if SC can work for my needs.

Based on my initial review of available documentation, there appears to be a Simulated Futures Trading Service that would be very helpful to this learning and discovery process.

Simulated Futures Trading Service

In trying to follow the directions in the Setup Instructions sections of the above URL SC application states that SC->Global Settings->Data/Trade Service Settings->Current Selected Service (list)-> Trade Evaluator - Delayed (Not enabled on package).

Trade Evaluator (Not enabled on package) is the same, but the documentation notes that this selection requires a real-time data feed. Is such required for the Delayed Trading Evaluator as well?

If not, would it be possible to get this enabled? If not possible, could chart replay post a 15-day trial work to support learning and discovery efforts to continue?

Replaying Charts

In this learning and discovery phase, I don’t need actual or live market data and market data via simulation and/or replay will meet the above noted learning and discovery needs if such is possible post trial.

If all works out, then the next step would be to sign up for a paid license plan to use SC in an active trading environment with near real-time data streams, but I'd like to prove things out prior to moving to this stage if possible.

Thanks for your response and support.
