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Date/Time: Thu, 13 Mar 2025 05:47:25 +0000

Post From: how did connect CME trading datafeed

[2022-05-31 15:42:15]
User359273 - Posts: 26
Software version: 2394 64-bit | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Primary Thread ID: 10296 | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Usage end date: 2022-11-25 | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed. | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed. | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Enabled for exchange2: CME | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Enabled for exchange2: CBOT (Trading Account Required) | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Enabled for exchange2: COMEX (Trading Account Required) | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX (Trading Account Required) | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Enabled for exchange2: fairx_exchange.data | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled. | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Current selected Data/Trading service: CQG WebAPI | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Custom symbol settings values: enabled | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Chart Update Interval: 500 | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0 | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Time Zone: +00:00:00 (UTC+00) | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
2022-05-31 15:39:57 Local computer time in UTC | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
2022-05-31 15:39:57 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
2022-05-31 11:39:24 Server time in UTC | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 43 seconds. | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Notice: Your computer's clock is off by 43 seconds. For help with this, press the 'Send for Analysis' button. | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Program path: C:\SC\ | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Data Files path: C:\SC\Data\ | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
Locale Setting: C | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.002
DLLs: UserContributedStudies_64.dll | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.004
Allowed protected custom studies: | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.004
Crash reporter started: true | 2022-05-31 15:39:57.004

Socket (5) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.363
Socket (5) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.363
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.363
HD Request # 76 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2022-05-31 11:23:02.992000. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.364
HD Request # 76 | Received 28464 Intraday data records from 2022-05-31 11:22:52.204000 to 2022-05-31 15:40:28.283003 (4.3 hours) and wrote 28463 records for F.US.JY6M22 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.364
HD Request # 76 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2022-05-31 15:40:28.283003 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.371
HD Request # 76 | Completion time: 9s. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.371
HD Request # 76 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.JY6M22. Unique request ID: 116 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.371
Removing historical data download ID 116. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.371
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.JY6M22 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.371
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.JY6M22 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.371
HD Request # 76 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.371

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.371
HD Request # 77 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.CLEN22 to the file F.US.CLEN22.scid. Service: nymex | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.371
HD Request # 77 | Download start date-time: 2022-05-31 11:22:50.000000. File last date-time: 2022-05-31 11:22:50.825000 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.372
HD Request # 77 | Using server: ds23.sierracharts.com port 80 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.372
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.372
Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.372
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.372
Error creating/opening the file for exporting bar data. Error: Windows error code 3: 系统找不到指定的路径。 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.455 *
Error creating/opening the file for exporting bar data. Error: Windows error code 3: 系统找不到指定的路径。 | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.475 *
Socket (5) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.549
Socket (5) | Closed. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.550
HD Request # 77 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.835
HD Request # 77 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-05-31 15:40:00.835
HD Request # 77 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2022-05-31 11:22:50. Record interval: 0. Symbol: CLN22 | 2022-05-31 15:40:01.051
HD Request # 77 | Decompressing data. | 2022-05-31 15:40:02.018
HD Request # 77 | Receiving Intraday data for F.US.CLEN22 starting at 2022-05-31 11:22:50.714000 | 2022-05-31 15:40:02.018
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Heartbeat from server | ServerReceivedClientHeartbeatSecondsAgo=17, NumberOfOutstandingSendBuffers=0, TransmissionDelayInMilliseconds=80, ServerSendBufferSizeInBytes=0, ActualMessageDelay=-43.9 seconds, DataCompRatio=1.33, UncompressedBytes=6904, CompressionTime=0.000529(secs), NumCompressions=118, Source= | 2022-05-31 15:40:05.583
DTC Client socket (2) | Connect event error. Windows error code 10060: 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。 | 2022-05-31 15:40:10.495 *
DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-05-31 15:40:10.496
DTC Client socket (2) | Closed. | 2022-05-31 15:40:10.496
DTC Client socket (0) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-05-31 15:40:10.496
SC Data - All Services | Disconnected from the server. | 2022-05-31 15:40:10.496
SC Data - All Services | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 2 seconds. | 2022-05-31 15:40:10.496
SC Data - All Services | Connecting to the server Port 443 | 2022-05-31 15:40:12.498
DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2022-05-31 15:40:12.498
DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-05-31 15:40:12.498
DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-05-31 15:40:12.498
SC Data - All Services | Heartbeat from server | ServerReceivedClientHeartbeatSecondsAgo=8, NumberOfOutstandingSendBuffers=0, TransmissionDelayInMilliseconds=80, ServerSendBufferSizeInBytes=0, ActualMessageDelay=-44.1 seconds, DataCompRatio=1.47, UncompressedBytes=1035, CompressionTime=0.000181(secs), NumCompressions=11, Source= | 2022-05-31 15:40:15.301
HD Request # 77 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2022-05-31 11:22:54.269000. | 2022-05-31 15:40:25.474
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Heartbeat from server | ServerReceivedClientHeartbeatSecondsAgo=16, NumberOfOutstandingSendBuffers=0, TransmissionDelayInMilliseconds=80, ServerSendBufferSizeInBytes=0, ActualMessageDelay=-43.9 seconds, DataCompRatio=1.36, UncompressedBytes=9142, CompressionTime=0.000685(secs), NumCompressions=153, Source= | 2022-05-31 15:40:25.580
Error creating/opening the file for exporting bar data. Error: Windows error code 3: 系统找不到指定的路径。 | 2022-05-31 15:40:25.990 *
Error creating/opening the file for exporting bar data. Error: Windows error code 3: 系统找不到指定的路径。 | 2022-05-31 15:40:26.024 *
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.073
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.073
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.073
HD Request # 77 | Received 86185 Intraday data records from 2022-05-31 11:22:50.714000 to 2022-05-31 15:40:43.583000 (4.3 hours) and wrote 86181 records for F.US.CLEN22 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.074
HD Request # 77 | Add time&sales data | Remembered last file record date-time: 2022-05-31 15:40:43.583000 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.080
HD Request # 77 | Completion time: 31s. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.080
HD Request # 77 | Intraday data download complete for F.US.CLEN22. Unique request ID: 117 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.080
Removing historical data download ID 117. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.080
Real-time Intraday chart data file updates started for F.US.CLEN22 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.080
Intraday chart data file opened for F.US.CLEN22 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.080
HD Request # 77 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.080

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.080
HD Request # 78 | Downloading Intraday chart data for F.US.CPEN22 to the file F.US.CPEN22.scid. Service: comex | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.081
HD Request # 78 | Download start date-time: 2022-05-31 11:22:35.000000. File last date-time: 2022-05-31 11:22:35.094000 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.081
HD Request # 78 | Using server: ds21.sierracharts.com port 80 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.081
Socket (5) | Creating socket. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.081
Socket (5) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.081
Socket (5) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.081
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.290
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.290
Error creating/opening the file for exporting bar data. Error: Windows error code 3: 系统找不到指定的路径。 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.469 *
Error creating/opening the file for exporting bar data. Error: Windows error code 3: 系统找不到指定的路径。 | 2022-05-31 15:40:31.485 *
DTC Client socket (2) | Connect event error. Windows error code 10060: 由于连接方在一段时间后没有正确答复或连接的主机没有反应,连接尝试失败。 | 2022-05-31 15:40:33.550 *
DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-05-31 15:40:33.550
DTC Client socket (0) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-05-31 15:40:33.550
SC Data - All Services | Disconnected from the server. | 2022-05-31 15:40:33.550
SC Data - All Services | Data feed disconnected. Will reconnect in 2 seconds. | 2022-05-31 15:40:33.550
DTC Client socket (2) | Closed. | 2022-05-31 15:40:33.551
HD Request # 78 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-05-31 15:40:34.512
HD Request # 78 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-05-31 15:40:34.512
HD Request # 78 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2022-05-31 11:22:35. Record interval: 0. Symbol: HGN22 | 2022-05-31 15:40:35.179
SC Data - All Services | Heartbeat from server | ServerReceivedClientHeartbeatSecondsAgo=8, NumberOfOutstandingSendBuffers=0, TransmissionDelayInMilliseconds=80, ServerSendBufferSizeInBytes=0, ActualMessageDelay=-44.1 seconds, DataCompRatio=1.43, UncompressedBytes=1097, CompressionTime=0.000192(secs), NumCompressions=12, Source= | 2022-05-31 15:40:35.304
HD Request # 78 | Decompressing data. | 2022-05-31 15:40:35.381
SC Data - All Services | Connecting to the server Port 443 | 2022-05-31 15:40:35.551
DTC Client socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2022-05-31 15:40:35.551
DTC Client socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-05-31 15:40:35.551
DTC Client socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-05-31 15:40:35.551