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Date/Time: Wed, 12 Mar 2025 12:06:58 +0000

Post From: Market profile chart TPO half-back set up question

[2022-04-18 19:58:38]
User640414 - Posts: 28
Thank you for your feedback. I have made changes to the session times as you have indicated. I also changed the Exclude Evening Session Profiles Except for the Last Day set to No.
Pls see the attached chartbook

1).Here is a simple example on March 31st 30 min chart and TPO chart.
30-min chart High for 03-31-22 is 4514.75 and the Low is 4526.25 and the Half Back shows as 4570
TPO Chart High for 03-31-22 is 4597.25 and the Low is 4526.25, The actual Half Back should be (4597.25-4526.25)/2 + 4526.25 = 4561.75
In some cases the Halfback is correct and not all the time.
I also try the Exclude Evening Session Profiles Except for the Last Day set to YES.and still does not give the correct Halfback.
2). The Overnight (Evening session) TPO charts does not provide the Halfback. Pls advise how do I go about to set this up.
attachmentBasil MP Setup halfback.Cht - Attached On 2022-04-18 19:58:02 UTC - Size: 10.48 KB - 131 views