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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 17:05:09 +0000

Market profile chart TPO half-back set up question

View Count: 2112

[2022-04-21 20:14:50]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38580
I am under the impression by having the Value Area Lines study is to set the TPO Value Area % to 1.0. . So you are asking to move #4 study from the Studies to Graph?

You are using the Value Area Lines study on the 30 minute chart. There is also one on the TPO Chart, which should be removed (I do believe it is #4 in the list on that chart).

In another note, how do I set the OPENING PRICE for the day in the letter A with some form of a circle or square so that I can identify the opening price for the day. Right now I have it set up with a horizontal line in TPO profile and having too many hand drawn lines as well as market generated lines can be confusing at times.

Refer to item #4 in this section:
Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts: Elements of TPO and Volume Profiles
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[2022-04-22 20:28:15]
User640414 - Posts: 28
John, Regarding the issue with Half-Back, during today's Day Time Trading, I had your two of your modified TPO chart file. The second one I named it as you file name with Mod-1 so that I am able to have two seperate chart file open at the same time. One chart book I had the Check marked on the "Letters/Blocks in Own Column" to expand the TPO profile and the other unchecked. I did this after 10:00AM EST so that the profile have couple of 30 min TPO's. What I noticed was during when a range extension takes out either the High or the Low, the Half-Back on the TPO profile doesn't move, meaning the big Dashed-Dot line doesn't move, but a small line appears in the correct Half-Back location.
However, if you open a your modified chart book (with another file name so that I can open 3 chart book at the same file), in the middle of the trading session, everything is fine.

I would appreciate if you could just run this scenario on Monday to see for your self what I am experiencing and give some feed back.
[2022-04-25 12:47:42]
User640414 - Posts: 28
John, Basically, what I found is if you had the TPO profile chart expended, then you have the correct Half-Back shows when there is a range extension to the Highs & Lows and when the TPO profile chart is not expanded, it only shows the initial Half-Back at a location and does not move up or down to reflect the Half Back when there is a range extension either on the High or Low.
[2022-04-25 16:41:37]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38580
We'll take a look and see what we can figure out.
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[2022-04-25 22:55:18]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38580
It looks like setting the input for Full Synchronization of Source Chart to Destination to Yes will resolve this. Just be aware that this will force your reference chart (the 30 minute chart) to be 1 minute timeframe and you can not change it. Refer to the information at the following link for this:
Study/Price Overlay Study: Full Synchronization of Source Chart to Destination
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2022-04-26 13:07:36]
User640414 - Posts: 28
John, Thank you for getting back. I made the changes that you had put forward and did notice that the 30 min chart automatically became a 1 minute chart. However in the evening session ( last night) the Half-Back did not make the shift automatically. Not sure what other changes that I did not do properly.
Would you mind sending a modified chart book file to reflect all the final changes so that I can duplicate?
[2022-04-26 14:25:53]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38580
What you are seeing is due to how a TPO chart is setup and how it is different from, but still has aspects of a regular chart. For some reason the TPO is not updating with the changes to the Half-Back calculation.

You can undo that last change, so set the Full Synchronization of Source Chart to Destination back to No.

One solution, although it is a bit forceful is to recalculate the full TPO chart every so often to force the overlay to redraw the right information. You can use the Chart Recalculation - Periodic study to do this. Refer to the information here:
Chart Recalculation - Periodic
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
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[2022-04-26 15:39:42]
User640414 - Posts: 28
John, I will try your method a bit latter on. Most people that uses TPO Market Profile chart uses the Half-Back info, which is Market Generated Information to make decision on their Day Trading. I found that getting this information seems a difficult task here and not sure how your other customers get the Half-Back in their TPO charts.
[2022-04-28 00:28:26]
User640414 - Posts: 28

I tried using Chart Recalculation- Periodic study and it did not resolve the problem. I would greatly appreciate if you could take my TPO Chart book file that I have sent before and apply all necessary studies/set ups to resolve this issue to get correct Half-Back when the TPO chart is checked and/or unchecked "Letters/Blocks in Own Column" so that I can duplicate and incorporate it into my TPO.Market Profile.Please send me an updated modified file.
Thank you in advance for your help.

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