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Date/Time: Mon, 10 Mar 2025 10:39:27 +0000

Post From: Some Tools disappear under Fill Rectangle Top SG

[2022-03-21 08:46:55]
PS2004 - Posts: 47
I have a Study which colors the background of the Chart at some ranges. I used the "Fill Rectangle Top" drawstyle for this.
If I draw some type of Tools on that part of the Chart, either manually or through ACSIL, they tend to disappear.
I experience this with Ellipse, Retracement, Triangle Tool types for example.
If I use Tools which contain only one line (Line, Paralell Lines, Arrow), they work fine.

What can cause this, and how can I get around this issue?
Refer to the attached picture.
imagetools_under_sg.png / V - Attached On 2022-03-21 08:45:26 UTC - Size: 28.14 KB - 133 views