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Date/Time: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 14:05:52 +0000

Post From: MYSTERIOs CHART NAME change of my 5mt CHART of my CHaartBOOK

[2022-02-28 18:53:53]
User427561 - Posts: 217
EVERSINCE I STARTed using SC, my chart book consisted of the 1 and 5 minutes of the emini S&P and defined as FUSEPH22 1m #1 aND 5m #9 respectively.
Recently I've been making many modifications in my 1 and 5 minutes charts including adding or deleting studies ibcluding many chart overlays fron the 1 to5 mt charts or 5 to 1.
Rencently however I noticed the chart heading of of my 5 min chart changed to FUSEPH22RENKO4ty #9, from its usual heading of the 5 mt chart as FUSEPH225m #9
without the RENKO mention and without noticing which specific addition or deletion of a study originated this change
I did not ever had anything to do with Renko studies, and wonder if you can explain this addition to my 5 min chart header of my chartbook, and whether I could reliably depend on that name change in my future overlays of some 5 min charts into my 1min charts
FYI I did not notice any particuar change of the 5 mt chart behaviour caused by the change of its labelling at the top