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Date/Time: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 13:32:09 +0000
Post From: Cannot interact with chart - Charts freezing
[2022-02-25 21:39:41] |
Alex Q - Posts: 109 |
Just wanted to reach out and say thank you! I put the time in yesterday, and read up on the articles you sent me. Quite the learning curve with Sierra, but I can say I am continually impressed with it's functionality, and in the way you can really get under the hood and fine tune things. I am not running at significantly less CPU, with a FASTER refresh rate on one the charts that matter (my trade DOM and corresponding tape). If anyone is interested I've done as follows: - Changed Global Chart Update Interval to 1000ms. On my 5m, 1hr, 1D charts, this is way more that sufficient. This has freed me up to change my Trade DOM to 100ms, allowing for a more fluid reading of the tape and DOM. So far this has worked well, but if need by I will raise it. - Under "Chart Settings" I have changed days to load to the necessary amount for each time frame, and I have set market depth to load 0 days worth of data on all charts except for my intraday chart, and Trade DOM. They have both been set to load only the current day. This works well with my "Market Depth Historical Graph" which is used to plot only large orders (size depending on product) for the current day. I have also Adjusted all volume profiles/TPO's on higher time frames to aggregate ticks into points. For the NQ I have found that my Daily Chart volume bars can be summed in units of 5 points, and the hourly chart by single points. This frees up the necessary power to represent my intraday execution chart by single ticks for both the Volume by Price, and Delta by Price study. With these changes my CPU runs at about 1/3 of what it was running at before these adjustments. Silky smooth, with no freeze ups, and now the benefit of a more fluid DOM/tape. Again, thank you for your help. Hopefully this breakdown can help others. |