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Date/Time: Sun, 09 Mar 2025 01:22:50 +0000

Post From: DrawText (winapi) problem in sc.p_GDIFunction, possible bug.

[2022-02-20 11:46:09]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 18694
We have looked into this. Refer to the code example below. Use ::TextOutW.

In the next release of Sierra Chart it will also solve a problem where an exception was occurring when unloading a study DLL which has a custom drawing function.

Also take note of the new placement for;
sc.p_GDIFunction = DrawToChart;

#include "sierrachart.h"

// SCDLLName("GDI Example")

// This file demonstrates the functionality to use the Windows Graphics Device
// Interface (GDI) with ACSIL to freely draw inside of the chart window

// Windows GDI documentation can be found here:
// http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-nz/library/windows/desktop/dd145203%28v=vs.85%29.aspx

// Drawing function declaration
void DrawToChart(HWND WindowHandle, HDC DeviceContext, SCStudyInterfaceRef sc);

SCSFExport scsf_DrawToChartExample(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc)
  if (sc.SetDefaults)
    // Set the configuration and defaults

    sc.GraphName = "Draw To Chart Example";

    sc.AutoLoop = 0;

  // This is where we specify the drawing function. This function will be called
  // when the study graph is drawn on the chart. We are placing this after
  // if (sc.SetDefaults). So in case the study DLL is unloaded and reloaded,
  // this will continue to be set to the correct address.
  sc.p_GDIFunction = DrawToChart;


// This is the actual drawing function. This function is specified by the
// "sc.p_GDIFunction" member in the main study function above. This drawing
// function is called when Sierra Chart draws the study on the chart. This
// will only occur after there has been a call to the main "scsf_" study
// function which is defined above.

// This drawing function has access to the ACSIL "sc." structure.
// However, any changes to the variable members will have no effect.

void DrawToChart(HWND WindowHandle, HDC DeviceContext, SCStudyInterfaceRef sc )
  //Create a Yellow brush
  HBRUSH Brush = CreateSolidBrush(RGB(255,255,0));

  //Select the brush into the device context
  HGDIOBJ PriorBrush = SelectObject(DeviceContext, Brush);

  //Draw a rectangle at the top left of the chart
  Rectangle(DeviceContext, sc.StudyRegionLeftCoordinate + 5, sc.StudyRegionTopCoordinate + 5, sc.StudyRegionLeftCoordinate + 200, sc.StudyRegionTopCoordinate + 200);

  int RightCoordinate = sc.StudyRegionRightCoordinate;

  //Remove the brush from the device context and put the prior brush back in. This is critical!

  //Delete the brush. This is critical! If you do not do this, you will end up with
  // a GDI leak and crash Sierra Chart.

  ::SetTextAlign(DeviceContext, TA_NOUPDATECP);

  //Must use the wide character version
  ::TextOutW(DeviceContext, 250, 250, L"Hello.", 6);



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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-02-20 11:49:17