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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 19:14:23 +0000

Post From: Windows task bar unhides when taking screenshots and other functions

[2022-02-08 03:37:17]
User414533 - Posts: 106

When you’re using the auto-hide feature for the Windows taskbar, it will stay hidden until an application needs your attention. For regular apps, this usually means the app’s taskbar button starts flashing at you. For example, the Skype app will flash its taskbar button when you receive a new call. In this case, you can simply click that taskbar button to let the app know you’ve seen what it needs you to see and the taskbar will hide again.

For the most part, these issues are by design, and are straightforward to solve—either give the app the attention it wants, or configure it to stop asking for your attention.

I believe this is the problem. Sierra Chart is "requesting my attention" whenever I take screenshots or change a basic chart setting. It NEVER did this before a couple weeks ago.