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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 16:57:14 +0000

Post From: "Move To Breakeven for Stop" did not work...

[2022-01-27 15:45:19]
GreyLock58 - Posts: 170
This is what I pulled from the Trade Activity Log. My Buy order stop price was above the last trade price. Luckily I was in front of my computer and manually enable the Break Even button. This is the second time this has occurred. Now I am concerned. Please advise.

TradeAccount  DateTime  Symbol  ActivityType  OrderActionSource  OrderType  Note  Quantity  OrderStatus  BuySell  FillPrice  Price2  OpenClose  Price  AccountBalance  InternalOrderID  ServiceOrderID  FilledQuantity  ParentInternalOrderID  PositionQuantity  FillExecutionServiceID  HighDuringPosition  LowDuringPosition  ExchangeOrderID  ClientOrderID  TimeInForce  Username
737C9516  2022-01-27 10:27:52.566284  MNQH22_FUT_CME  Orders  Move stop to break even. Offset: 1. Requested Price: 14295.75. Requested Quantity: 1  Stop Limit  Attached order. Parent: 21226  1  Pending Modify  Buy    14304.75  Close  14292.75  0.00  21227  8925    21226  -1        6829399648091  21227.21645  Day  Greylock58
737C9516  2022-01-27 10:27:51.736283  MNQH22_FUT_CME  Orders  Teton CME Order Routing (Cancel/Replace complete). Info: CME (Replace). Text: Attached order. Parent: 21226  Stop Limit  Attached order. Parent: 21226  1  Open  Buy    14304.75  Close  14292.75  0.00  21227  8925    21226  -1        6829399648091  21227.21645  Day  Greylock58
737C9516  2022-01-27 10:27:51.656283  MNQH22_FUT_CME  Orders  Auto trail order modification. Move to breakeven. Trigger price: 14288.75. Using LastModifyQuantity of 1. Using new provided price. Requested Price: 14292.75. Requested Quantity: 1  Stop Limit  Attached order. Parent: 21226  1  Pending Modify  Buy    14367.50  Close  14355.50  0.00  21227  8925    21226  -1        6829399648091  21227.21645  Day  Greylock58
737C9516  2022-01-27 10:27:46.156275  MNQH22_FUT_CME  Orders  Order modification failed | Teton CME Order Routing (Order cancel/replace reject). Info: Order modification failed | Order Modification Reject. Text: Buy order stop price must be above last trade price. Text: Attached order. Parent: 21226  Stop Limit  Attached order. Parent: 21226  1  Open  Buy    14367.50  Close  14355.50  0.00  21227  8925    21226  -1        6829399648091  21227.21645  Day  Greylock58
737C9516  2022-01-27 10:27:46.086275  MNQH22_FUT_CME  Orders  Auto trail order modification. Move to breakeven. Trigger price: 14293.75. Using LastModifyQuantity of 1. Using new provided price. Requested Price: 14295.75. Requested Quantity: 1  Stop Limit  Attached order. Parent: 21226  1  Pending Modify  Buy    14367.50  Close  14355.50  0.00  21227  8925    21226  -1        6829399648091  21227.21645  Day  Greylock58