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Date/Time: Sun, 16 Mar 2025 19:30:49 +0000

Post From: Market Replay not using selected date/time

[2022-01-22 15:46:48]
wreck - Posts: 11
I'm having some issues getting market replay to work correctly when selecting date/time further back than about 2 days.

- I use CQG through AMP for trading and the Denali data feed for data. I followed the setup instructions and all of this works fine
- the symbol F.US.MES is set to record market depth data. (Could there be an issue with the way symbols get mapped across cqg/denali?)
- replay set to all charts in chartbook.
- using a date/time within the last 2 days works fine
- using a date/time further back does not work correctly:

ex: I set market replay to start at 2022-01-03/9:30AM:
- 1 chart starts at 2022-01-18 / 18:00
- other 3 charts start at 2022-01-12 / 9:30AM

Thank you.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-23 00:17:18
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