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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 03:35:10 +0000

Post From: Scan a List of Futures to get Signal Insidebar in the quoteboard or Spreadsheet

[2022-01-13 22:34:18]
User754379 - Posts: 13
Hi together,
at first - I am absolutly horrible in programming, but i am looking for a solution to scan a liste of Futures to get a alert/signal if there are a inside Day. Is it possible to create such scanner? is there anybody who have an idee how i could create that very easy. Or is there somebody out there who is able to do such silly thing very easy?
I need two conditions for the scanner.
1. after close of the day. Is there an insideday (insidebar studie) yes/no
2. Williams%R Indikator (Periode4) is the value <-25 or >-85
I am looking forward to here from you.