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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 18:17:06 +0000

Post From: no historical data from forex and fxstats

[2022-01-13 17:16:09]
User365411 - Posts: 192
updated now from 2341 to 2344 release, things don't change

this is the log for eurgbp
and the blue line remain fixed on screen (se attached image)

Software version: 2344 64-bit | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Primary Thread ID: 1444 | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Usage end date: 2022-07-03 | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Enabled for: Advanced Features 2. | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service. | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed. | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is disabled. | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Current selected Data/Trading service: SC Data - All Services | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Custom symbol settings values: enabled | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Chart Update Interval: 500 | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 1 | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Time Zone: +01:00:00 (CET+01CEST+01,M3.5.0/02:00,M10.5.0/03:00) | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
2022-01-13 17:07:14 Local computer time in UTC | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
2022-01-13 18:07:14 Local computer time in SC Time Zone | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
2022-01-13 17:04:08 Server time in UTC | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 0 seconds. | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Program path: C:\SC1\ | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Data Files path: C:\SC1\Data\ | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
OS Version Number: 10.0 | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
Locale Setting: C | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.618
DLLs: BrettJohnsonsStandardToolKit_64.dll, DeltaMomo_2_64.dll, Dll3.dll, ehlEhlersDominantCycle_64.dll, ehlMillardCycleHighlighter.dll, ehlMillardCycleHighlighter_64.dll, gg_DaysToLoad_64.dll, GG_DLL_64.dll, gg_ExportDailyData_64.dll, gg_test-VerticalLine_64.dll, gg_TEST_64.dll, gg_TPO-VA-position_64.dll, UserContributedStudies.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.633
Allowed protected custom studies: | 2022-01-13 18:07:14.633

File >> Disconnect selected. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.009
HD Request # 8 | Active download canceled. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.009
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.010
Socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.010
Socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.010
HD Request # 8 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2022-01-13 08:58:21.492000 | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.010
HD Request # 8 | Received 581 Intraday data records from 2022-01-13 08:58:21.492000 to 2022-01-13 09:09:36.362000 (11.2 minutes) and wrote 581 records for GBPJPY | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.010
HD Request # 8 | Completion time: 19s | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.011
HD Request # 8 | Intraday data download complete for GBPJPY. Unique request ID: 8 | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.011
Removing historical data download ID 8. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.011
HD Request # 8 | Enabling Intraday chart updating for symbol. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.011

Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.011
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Waiting for socket receive thread to end | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.012
DTC Client socket (2) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.013
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Disconnected from the server. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.013
SC Data - All Services | Disconnected. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.013
DTC Client socket (2) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.013
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-13 18:07:18.013

SC Data - All Services | Connected to server complete. | 2022-01-13 18:07:20.383
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-13 18:07:20.383
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-13 18:07:20.383
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-13 18:07:20.383
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-13 18:07:20.383
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-13 18:07:20.383
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-13 18:07:20.383
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-13 18:07:20.383
No download requests in the queue to start downloads for. | 2022-01-13 18:07:20.383
EURGBP 60 Min #1 | Reloading chart. | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.356
Using Bid/Ask average for last trade price for EURGBP | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.854
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Starting real-time market data updates for: EURGBP. ID: 1 Service code: fxcm | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.854
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Connecting to the server ds4.sierracharts.com. Port 10048 | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.854
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Requesting security definition data for: EURGBP. ID: 1 | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.855
Added historical Intraday data request for EURGBP to the queue. | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.855
Intraday data recording state for symbol EURGBP is set to download 'Pending'. | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.855
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.855
Delaying start of download for EURGBP | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.856
DTC Client socket (3) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.868
DTC Client socket (3) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.868
DTC Client socket (3) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-13 18:07:51.868
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Network connection to server complete. | 2022-01-13 18:07:52.140
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Starting socket receive thread. | 2022-01-13 18:07:52.140
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Sending encoding request to server: Binary VLS. Compression: standard | 2022-01-13 18:07:52.140
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-13 18:07:52.442
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Sending logon request message. | 2022-01-13 18:07:52.442
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Received logon response. | 2022-01-13 18:07:54.005
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Server Name: SC Realtime Server. | 2022-01-13 18:07:54.005
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Server protocol version: 8. Client protocol version: 8 | 2022-01-13 18:07:54.005
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Successfully connected. | 2022-01-13 18:07:54.005
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Trading is not supported. | 2022-01-13 18:07:54.005
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Restarting real-time data updates for symbol: EURGBP | 2022-01-13 18:07:54.005
SC DTC Data with Market Depth | Received security definition for symbol EURGBP | 2022-01-13 18:07:54.382
HD Request # 9 | Downloading Intraday chart data for EURGBP to the file EURGBP.scid. Service: fxcm | 2022-01-13 18:07:59.750
HD Request # 9 | Download start date-time: 2022-01-12 01:14:48.000000. File last date-time: 2022-01-12 01:14:48.000000 | 2022-01-13 18:07:59.751
HD Request # 9 | Using server: ds12.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2022-01-13 18:07:59.752
Socket (4) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-13 18:07:59.752
Socket (4) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-13 18:07:59.752
Socket (4) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-13 18:07:59.752
HD Request # 9 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-13 18:08:03.327
HD Request # 9 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-13 18:08:03.327
HD Request # 9 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2022-01-12 01:14:48. Record interval: 1. Symbol: EURGBP | 2022-01-13 18:08:04.135
HD Request # 9 | Decompressing data. | 2022-01-13 18:08:04.470
HD Request # 9 | Receiving Intraday data for EURGBP starting at 2022-01-12 01:14:48.125000 | 2022-01-13 18:08:05.575
Socket (1) | Timed out waiting for shutdown. Performing an immediate socket close. | 2022-01-13 18:09:32.766
Socket (1) | Closed. | 2022-01-13 18:09:32.767
DTC Client socket (2) | Timed out waiting for shutdown. Performing an immediate socket close. | 2022-01-13 18:09:32.767
DTC Client socket (2) | Closed. | 2022-01-13 18:09:32.767
HD Request # 9 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2022-01-12 01:14:48.125000 | 2022-01-13 18:09:40.658
Socket (1) | Deleting network socket now after delay. | 2022-01-13 18:10:02.779
DTC Client socket (2) | Deleting network socket now after delay. | 2022-01-13 18:10:02.779
HD Request # 9 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for EURGBP. The download timed out. | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.937
Added historical Intraday data request for EURGBP to the queue. | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.937
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.937
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.938
Socket (4) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.938
Socket (4) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.938
HD Request # 9 | Received 35664 Intraday data records from 2022-01-12 01:14:48.125000 to 2022-01-13 02:27:42.382000 (25.2 hours) and wrote 35664 records for EURGBP | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.939
HD Request # 9 | Completion time: 5m 17s | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.940

HD Request # 10 | Downloading Intraday chart data for EURGBP to the file EURGBP.scid. Service: fxcm | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.940
HD Request # 10 | Download start date-time: 2022-01-13 02:27:42.000000. File last date-time: 2022-01-13 02:27:42.382000 | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.942
HD Request # 10 | Using server: ds4.sierracharts.com port 10149 | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.942
Socket (1) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.942
Socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.942
Socket (1) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-13 18:13:16.942
HD Request # 10 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-13 18:13:20.500
HD Request # 10 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-13 18:13:20.500
HD Request # 10 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2022-01-13 02:27:42. Record interval: 1. Symbol: EURGBP | 2022-01-13 18:13:26.979
HD Request # 10 | Decompressing data. | 2022-01-13 18:13:27.264
HD Request # 10 | Receiving Intraday data for EURGBP starting at 2022-01-13 02:27:42.382000 | 2022-01-13 18:13:28.069
EURGBP[M] 60 Min #1 | The chart image has been saved to: C:\SC1\Images\EURGBP[M] 60 Min #1 2022-01-13 18_13_56.480.png | 2022-01-13 18:13:56.550
Socket (4) | Close event error. Windows error code 10053: Connessione interrotta dal software del computer host. | 2022-01-13 18:15:17.224
Socket (4) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-13 18:15:17.225
Socket (4) | Closed. | 2022-01-13 18:15:17.225
HD Request # 10 | Error downloading historical Intraday data for EURGBP. The download timed out. | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.026
Added historical Intraday data request for EURGBP to the queue. | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.027
Triggering next historical data download in queue. | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.027
Historical data download thread signaled to stop. | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.027
Socket (1) | CloseSocket call. | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.027
Socket (1) | Write in progress. Shutdown being delayed. PendingSize=0 | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.027
HD Request # 10 | Timestamp of first Intraday data file record written: 2022-01-13 02:27:42.382000 | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.030
HD Request # 10 | Received 20272 Intraday data records from 2022-01-13 02:27:42.382000 to 2022-01-13 15:09:41.157000 (12.7 hours) and wrote 20272 records for EURGBP | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.030
HD Request # 10 | Completion time: 2m 58s | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.030

HD Request # 11 | Downloading Intraday chart data for EURGBP to the file EURGBP.scid. Service: fxcm | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.030
HD Request # 11 | Download start date-time: 2022-01-13 15:09:41.000000. File last date-time: 2022-01-13 15:09:41.157000 | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.032
HD Request # 11 | Using server: ds12.sierracharts.com port 10150 | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.033
Socket (2) | Creating socket. | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.033
Socket (2) | New receive buffer size: 5242880 | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.033
Socket (2) | Connecting to IP: | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.034
HD Request # 11 | Setting DTC encoding to Binary VLS | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.592
HD Request # 11 | Sending historical data logon request message. | 2022-01-13 18:16:14.592
HD Request # 11 | Requesting Intraday data. Start date-time: 2022-01-13 15:09:41. Record interval: 1. Symbol: EURGBP | 2022-01-13 18:16:16.114
HD Request # 11 | Decompressing data. | 2022-01-13 18:16:16.386
HD Request # 11 | Receiving Intraday data for EURGBP starting at 2022-01-13 15:09:41.157000 | 2022-01-13 18:16:17.199
Socket (1) | Write has completed. Shutdown being performed. | 2022-01-13 18:16:39.905
Socket (1) | Shutdown started. Waiting for graceful close. | 2022-01-13 18:16:39.905
Socket (1) | Close event error. Windows error code 10053: Connessione interrotta dal software del computer host. | 2022-01-13 18:16:39.905
Socket (1) | Socket gracefully closed by remote side. | 2022-01-13 18:16:39.905
Socket (1) | Closed. | 2022-01-13 18:16:39.905
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-13 17:18:20
imageEURGBP[M] 60 Min #1 2022-01-13 18_13_56.480.png / V - Attached On 2022-01-13 17:15:51 UTC - Size: 23.37 KB - 125 views