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Date/Time: Thu, 06 Mar 2025 04:15:40 +0000

Post From: Abnormal Data issues with Sierra

[2022-01-09 21:43:40]
User202227 - Posts: 12
I would assume that this would not an issue.. but what i have noticed is that during midday like 1 pm cst or so my data for ES were not matching that is the open and close across a candle were off.. which led to all my other studies to be skewed.. it is very hard to point of this issue and i came to know when i was comparing studies across my friends instance of Sierra with mine and we saw discrepencies.. so after deep trouble shooting that took 30 min figured out that were data issues underlyaing under my account.. so it got resolved when i deleted the data from the folders and restarted sierra..

Does this have to do anything with renewal cyles or contract rollover.. there has to be something as i am noticing this more and more on other friends accounts too.