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Date/Time: Wed, 05 Mar 2025 04:27:08 +0000

Post From: Numbers Bar Calculated Values in Alert Formulas

[2022-01-08 23:57:59]
SavantTrader - Posts: 110
Problem Summary: For certain subgraphs, the Numbers Bar Calculated Values study is providing incorrect values to formulas.

It appears the NBCV study is returning prices as whole numbers in certain subgraphs, but only in certain cases.

Case 1 (works): Set the [subgraph] SG42 (Point of Control Value) draw style to [visible] and it will display the correct price.

Case 2 (fails): Refer to SG42 in a CBBOAC formula, and it will only match when SG42 is a whole number (e.g., 4688 but not 4688.75).

1) ESH22, 1.75 Range Bar, bar POC is at 4681.25 (as displayed by NBCV.SG42)
2) Create a CBBOAC and vary the formula while observing the results. Here are my results:

formula: IDx.SG42>4681.00 is false!, IDx.SG42=4681.25 is false!, IDx.SG42=4681.00 is TRUE!

If I substitute Numbers Bar Point of Control study for the NBCV study, the above works as expected. Likewise, if I use Study Subgraph Above/Below Bar As Text study to display SG42, and I then reference this subgraph instead of SG42, the formula works correctly.

It appears that when the subgraph SG42 is directly referenced in a formula, the NBCV value type is incorrect somehow.

NOTE: I believe a similar problem exists with NBCV SG37 and SG38 (High/Low Pullback Ask/Bid Vol Diff). They display correctly, but when referenced in a CBBOAC they only match against the value of zero. In other words, only this formula matches regardless of the actual SG value displayed: IDx.SG37=0
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2022-01-09 00:33:35