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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 16:20:44 +0000

Post From: 30mn bars starting time

[2021-12-10 20:11:44]
Trader & Sierra++ developer - Posts: 110
I don't understand your answer. My settings are the following :

start time = 9:30
end time = 16:14:59

start = 16:15
end = 9:29:59

Thus for the day session, with "new bar at session start" checked, the bars within 9:30-16h15 should be aligned with 9:30. But they are aligned with 9:15/9:45.

Where am i wrong ?

And in the end, how to get correct 30mn bars AND correct exchange session times ? How do SC users to manage this ? (i guess i'm not the only/first one to meet this question)