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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 15:00:21 +0000

Post From: 2 Sierra instances & 2 data services

[2021-12-06 06:25:58]
User5044343 - Posts: 68
Instance #1 is using "SC - Data - All Services"
Instance #2 is using "DTC Service"

I have my own DTC service socket streaming various data from other sources.

What do I need to do or change in order to view one Symbol (ESZ21-CME specifically) in Instance #2 which would stream market data from Instance #1 - while still being connected to the DTC server.

I tried setting "ESZ21-CME" in Symbol Settings - and sending it to the "DTC Protocol Server" that is enabled on Instance #1 but when loading "ESZ21-CME" in Instance #2 the request for data still goes to my custom DTC Service instead.