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Date/Time: Tue, 04 Mar 2025 03:36:32 +0000

Post From: Trading

[2021-11-12 01:13:26]
User403758 - Posts: 25

I bought service pacckage 11 and booked CME and EUREX realtime data via SC. So the data are good and working fine now.
My Broker is AMP .with CQG realtime data. Now I dont need CQG realtime anymore and want to cancel this.

My question is, how can I now trade (routing Orders to AMP). IF I select in SC the SC data (File > ...) I can only trade im simulation. But if I select AMP CQG Webtrading, then
I cannot use SC data, only CGQ. So how to use SC data service WITH routing Orders to AMP. Very important, thanks!
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2021-11-12 17:33:53