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Date/Time: Mon, 03 Mar 2025 17:21:04 +0000

Post From: Issues on Transferring Sierra Chart Settings - Sierra4.config

[2021-11-02 19:06:42]
User358827 - Posts: 21

I am having an issue transferring all of my settings from my desktop to my new laptop. I am using the instructions on "Transferring Sierra Chart settings and Data from existing installation to new installation". I was able to transfer all files with the exception of Sierra4.config. I am able to run Sierra charts on my laptop, however, if I copy the Sierra4.config file onto the laptop the software starts up but the program does not appear on my screen. It seems that the application may be running on the far left side of the screen but cannot be dragged. I have had to use file manager to shut down the program and then I recopied the original Sierra4.config that was downloaded. Once I do this the program will run but it is not copying over my old global settings. Another issue I noticed is that the Desktop files were part of TransAct Futures so there is an extra filepath. On the desktop the filepath is C:\SierraChart\SierraChartTransActMA\Data or \Images or \NPP. On the laptop the filepath is C:\SierraChart\Data or Images or NPP. I am not sure this is an issue but wanted to mention it.

Let me know what I can do to get this file moved over and get the charts fully functional. I am running version 2323 on both computers.
